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Contract Filing Cabinets
Filing cabinets offer a smooth, stylish and functional storage solution for every office environment. Strong and built to last, the filing cabinets have a fully welded carcass making them extremely robust, with resistance-free slides and an anti-tilt operation for safe ease of use. Contract filing cabinets are designed and manufactured for today's modern office environment.
Key Features:
Fully lockable 100% Extension
Anti-Tilt Operation
Approved to BSEN 14073 parts 2 & 3 and BSEN 14074
UK Manufactured
7 Year Warranty
Description Dimensions Product Code Price
2 Drawer Filing Cabinet 460mm Wide x 620mm Deep x 711mm High DCF2 £139.00 each
3 Drawer Filing Cabinet 460mm Wide x 620mm Deep x 1016mm High DCF3 £158.00 each
4 Drawer Filing Cabinet 460mm Wide x 620mm Deep x 1321mm High DCF4 £178.00 each
Finish Colours - Choose your filing cabinet colour: